Our government is listening and taking tangible steps to combat systemic racism, including in Ontario’s child welfare system.
As a direct result of a Round Table discussion I had with Associate Minister Hon. Jill Dunlop and Six Nations of the Grand River Chief and Social Services in December 2019, I am happy to announce that the Government of Ontario is issuing a directive to end the practice of birth alerts province-wide.
I heard from Indigenous and other racialized communities that this practice separates newborns from parents shortly after delivery and disproportionately affects racialized and marginalized mothers and families.
No woman should be discouraged from seeking pre-natal care or parenting supports because they are afraid their child will be taken from them if they do.
Eliminating birth alerts is an important step in creating a child welfare system that is focused on prevention and early intervention.
Our top priority is the well-being of Ontario’s children, youth and families.
Thank you,
Will Bouma
MPP Brantford-Brant