June 19, 2019
Earlier this week, I received notice that next school year, educators, educational assistants and plant support staff at the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board would be retaining their jobs.
This news is a clear sign our plan is working.
Since the beginning of our mandate, there have been rumours and allegations that teachers would lose their jobs due to proposed changes to the education system. As our government has said repeatedly and unequivocally – no teacher will involuntarily lose their job because of proposed changes to class sizes and e-learning.
The news that no teacher or support staff in the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board is losing their job proves what we have been saying. Now that boards have all the financial details, it is encouraging to see them make responsible decisions, offer great courses to students and retain staff. Every single day we hear more of the same news, and the facts are clear – teachers are keeping their jobs and students are getting the education they deserve. I look forward to seeing other school boards follow the example of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board and put the needs of students and teachers first.
When we came into government the situation we inherited was dire, the Liberals left Ontario the most indebted subnational jurisdiction in the world with no plan to reduce their debt. The Liberals handed us a $15 billion deficit – they were spending $40 million a day more than they brought in.
Despite all of this, our government has been clear – we will protect what matters most. We will deliver an education system that puts student achievement at the centre of everything we do. We are investing $700 million more in education this year than the previous government did last year. We are investing in special education, we are investing in French education, and we are investing in Indigenous education.
Our commitment to parents, students and all taxpayers is that we will treat your hard-earned money with respect. We will ensure that every dollar invested in education delivers the results you expect. Moving forward, our decisions will continue to be measured and responsible, with a focus on supporting students to leave school with the knowledge, skills and experiences that will make them engaged global citizens.
With the latest news out of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, it has become clear – our plan is working.
Will Bouma
MPP Brantford-Brant